Dr. Sanket Mehta


How Can Stomach Cancer Be Prevented?

Stomach cancer is characterized by the proliferation of malignant cells in the abdominal wall. Most individuals don’t display any symptoms in the early stages of gastric cancer, also known as gastric adenocarcinoma.

How Can Stomach Cancer Be Prevented?

Stomach cancer is characterized by the proliferation of malignant cells in the abdominal wall. Most individuals don’t display any symptoms in the early stages of gastric cancer, also known as gastric adenocarcinoma.

It is difficult to accurately diagnose stomach cancer since it is so uncommon when matched to other forms. Because stomach cancer typically has no early signs, it might go undetected for a long time until it is discovered. This may further complicate the treatment process.

What causes most stomach cancer?


An abnormal genetic mutation in the stomach’s lining is the primary reason for stomach cancer. This mutation allows the stomach cells to develop fast and ultimately form tumors. The following are potential causes that might raise a person’s likelihood of developing stomach cancer:

  • Family history of cancer
  • Smoking Cigarettes
  • Overweight
  • Inherited mutations in certain genes may increase the risk of stomach cancer. But only a tiny fraction of stomach cancers are caused by this.
  • Infections from Helicobacter pylori bacteria can increase the risk of stomach cancer.
  • A high-sodium diet 
  • And a diet that is low in fruit and veggies.

Genetic mutations after birth can also contribute to stomach cancer. Certain risk factors, like cigarette smoking before or during pregnancy, can develop these inherited mutations. Alternatively, certain gene modifications can also occur with no external trigger and cause cancer.

Stomach Cancer, Diet, and nutrition

You can fight any illness if you follow the right nutrition. We’ve compiled a list of certain foods that may aid in preventing and treating cancer and foods that can reduce the risk of stomach cancer.
  • Consume foods high in quercetin – Consume lots of onions, citrus fruits, apples, cherries, and broccoli. These foods have high levels of quercetin, which may help prevent this cancer from developing.
  • Make use of Turmeric – Turmeric contains a chemical compound known as curcumin. It has potent anti-cancer capabilities, and it causes cancer cells to activate their own self-destruct mechanisms.
  • Allicin-rich foods – In allicin content, garlic is the most abundant supply available and is quite efficient against such a malignancy. The allicin found in onions is also a potent source of vitamin C.
  • Vitamin A, C, and E-rich foods are available – Vitamin E can be found in spinach and almonds. In contrast, vitamin C can be found in abundance in citrus fruits and tomatoes, whereas vitamin A can be found in abundant amounts in carrots and potatoes.
  • Eliminate foods that have been smoked, heavily salted, or smoked
  • Minimize intake of animal fats.
  • Restrict consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Tips For Preventing Stomach Cancer


Even though stomach cancer is the 4th most frequent disease globally, the majority of instances have decreased significantly over the last few decades. Unfortunately, there is no certainty that you will be able to avoid it, but there are several things you could do to reduce your risks of getting it. Here are some tips to prevent the risk of cancer.

  • Reduce your intake of smoked foods – foods like pickles or smoked food items have preservatives and high salt content. Large levels of salt and additives may cause damage to the wall of the stomach, increasing your risk of developing stomach cancer. As a result, restrict your intake of smoked and pickled meals, as well as salted meats and seafood.
  • Take, for example, genetic testing – Is stomach cancer something that runs in your relatives? In certain cases, a genetic test may determine if you have particular genes (CDH1 gene) to make you more susceptible to stomach cancer.
  • Aspirin should be used with caution – To relieve pain, temperature, and inflammation, you might take ibuprofen, aspirin, or other over-the-counter medications similar to it. This treatment may also reduce your risk of developing tummy and colorectal cancers. However, you should avoid using such drugs to avoid stomach cancer since they can induce internal bleeding. Your physician will be able to tell you what is best for you.

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The incidence of stomach cancer has steadily decreased during the last century. It appears as though the number of reported cases and fatalities from stomach disease around the globe has been stable in recent years. Furthermore, there has been a steady decline in the incidence of stomach cancer in the region nearest to the duodenum. Nevertheless, cancer incidence at the oesophageal-gastric junction is on the rise.

To know more about different ways to prevent and reduce your risks of stomach cancer, contact our experts today.

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